Thursday, March 18, 2010

Healthcare Hypocrisy

I’m really sick and tired of being told how we need to spread around the risk and cost of healthcare and health insurance. How about spreading around a little more personal responsibility? Why do the people who make an effort to stay healthy have to cover the majority of the cost burden for those too ignorant or foolish to take care of themselves?

Don’t get me wrong, I believe that the poor child who has leukemia, or similar illness, should be covered. It’s not his or her fault. They didn’t do anything wrong, but the person who smokes 2 or 3 packs of cigarettes needs to either quit or pay more. This goes for those who are severely overweight too. Think of the cost savings if we could cut lung cancer by 20% and diabetes by 20%. Yet, we don’t hear about any incentive plans within the current legislation to positively reinforce good behavior.

Instead what we have is a President, who instead of focusing on national security and Chinese relations, is parading around the country promoting a healthcare bill that few American citizens want. It’s ironic since he is one of the people that has ignored personal responsibility and expects myself, and others, to pay for the illnesses he will most likely get from the smoking habit he continues to nurture. Does anyone else take offense to having a person who can’t manage his own health risks wanting to have ownership over ours? It’s almost like hiring Fat Albert as your personal trainer. How do you think that would work out?

Lastly, I am at a loss for how they keep coming up with the 30 million uninsured Americans. No matter how I look at it, that number includes people who are not citizens. It’s one thing to cover those citizens that have less, but those from other countries that have less…I don’t think so.

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