Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Foundation of the Franklin Party Platform

Our intention is to be a party of the people, for the people, and by the people. Our party is not about who owns the power but about making decisions that support the greater good of the population of the United States of America. All of our ideas and proposals will be in plain English and based on common sense reasoning. We will always look to gain the support and approval of other parties but not at the cost of the people. Finally, we are about expanding the American way of life in four areas:


If you work hard and smart you will have a better life and your children will have more opportunities then you did.


You will have a vote and your vote will count. Your concerns and complaints will be taken seriously not just because of your vote but because you are a United States Citizen.


We will protect your Constitutional rights first and foremost. This will be done without grandiose interpretation or manipulation. It will be about protecting your rights and nothing more.

You should never fear living in your own country so we will attack and deter all terrorists whether they be hold up in a cave half way around the world or in the crack house down the street.

We work for you and you are the boss. The following pages are an attempt at bringing out what most American’s want to see from our political system and by no means is all inclusive but instead is a start at forcing government to be what our founding fathers wanted it to be.

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